New year resolution ^^

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Welcome back to my journey to write better guys! Sounds a bit selfish to blog to write better but I also do hope the things I provide here will help you if we have the same learning path.

I have finished the FreeCodeCamp ResponsiveDesgin course. The course teaches you about HTML and CSS. Every lesson is taught through projects and they are amazing. You have to do all 5 of their core projects to complete the course. My little feedback for them is it would be better if they could make those required projects even more detailed like providing us with pictures, and more code checking,...

To provide clear information, I am using an iMac M1 with MacOS version 12.5.1. Below I will listed several problems I encountered while learning and I hope you can find this useful:


  • This is a very useful video for code setup in VScode

  • Self-closing tags: be mindful of this as there are only a few of them. Ex: <img>, <input>, <break>

  • "html: 5" to start default template for html 5 in VScode

  • To limit horizontal space of the code: CMD + Shift + P -> toggle wordwrap

  • Commenting out section: CMD + K then C, to de-comment do the same

  • To have hyperlink work in VScode -> need to include protocol at the beginning of the link: http:// (need to access a link outside of VScode folder)


  • box-sizing: border-box: 1 short line but very important at the beginning of the CSS file, look it up if you have yet to encounter it.

  • Pseudo elements: very effective way to target certain elements. Ex: p::first-line {} to target only the first p of every p

  • set width to 100vw instead of 100%

  • min-height should be 100vh

  • differences between 1rem and 1em. from my understanding, 1 rem stands for 1 root element -> more preferable to use, 1rem = 16px.

  • Commenting CSS section: Shift + Alt + A

  • Choosing color is also very important when creating a website: I am still learning on this but I found out the 60/30/10 rule stand for the color % of background, text, and spark (special things).


All and all, my Spring semester has started. For now, I enrolled in 3 classes:

  • TNE10006: Network and Switchings: I think the course is oriented to do CCNA exam certification, which I am considering putting on my bucket list.

  • COS10026: Computing Technology Project: project-oriented class using HTML, CSS and PHP for back-end. I yet to know PHP but I am looking forward to learning it.

  • COS20019: Cloud Computing Architecture: Learning about AWS cloud with lots of labs involved. This is my most anticipated class, I am very excited to go through the course. In the upcoming days, I will actually start doing AWS labs and will post my progress here.

Hope you are having a wonderful time wherever you are in the world. Always doing, always moving forward, then I hope the luck will be the cherry on top of our efforts. Stay motivated!